2012년 4월 26일 목요일

JOUR1111 item 2 - Moments..

Moments are precious..
Moments, are very important part of our life creating memories and changing ones character. Have you ever had a moment where it changed your life in any way? That moment where you are so hurt, or desperate that you just don’t want to experience ever again? Like everyone, I also had many “moments” throughout my life. All the moments of my life are memorable and special, however, there is one moment that I can never forget…
The day was dark and cloudy...

I was eight years old and I remember the day being cloudy and dark and everyone was trying to fight the wind. Despite the unpleasant weather, our family and friends decided to go to the Surfer’s Paradise beach. At the time, the weather didn’t mean much to me, if I could play with my friend nothing really mattered. I recount my friend and I making sand castles at first, then got sick of it and decided that we wanted to get into the water.

“Can we please go down to the water and play?” I asked my mum.

As soon as she gave a positive reply, my friend and I ran down to the waters with my uncle in excitement. Nobody ever knew what was going to happen next.

The waves were high, I couldn't get out...
We arrived at the water and carefully placed our foot into it. Shivers ran down my spine from the cold water and I couldn’t resist getting in further. I looked at my friend and her eye was sparkling with happiness. We immediately ran down to where the waves were and started to splash around. My uncle was watching over us while enjoying the scenery of Gold Coast beach. After a while we realised that the height of the wave somehow shrunk, and in curiosity walked into the deeper end. We were too young to know what was dangerous and what was not. Constantly, we walked deeper into the ocean to catch the wave, then, we were stuck. I was so scared I couldn’t move. I just stopped, everything stopped. Nothing moved around me and the before I could even start to think, I was swept by a wave into the vicious water. I tried to swim back to the shore but every time I thought I reached it, I was pushed further away from the destination. It seemed like there was nothing I could do anymore. I was worried about my friend and was frightened at the same time. Then, the thought of death started to kick in. I started to pray, for my family and for my friend. I don’t know why I didn’t pray for myself, but I just prayed for the people on the shore anxiously waiting for me and my friend. Ironically, I was still desperate to get out of the situation as soon as possible. I know I was only eight, but when I felt like I was actually going to die, my life passed through like a panorama. My bad attitude towards parents, friend and family, things I have experienced, and things I still had to experience. Then I started to think why it was happening to me. By now, I couldn’t really feel my body, my temperature was going down and it felt like I was sinking into the water. At that very moment, when I was just about to give up everything, I saw someone coming towards me. It took me a while to figure out they were life guards on surfing boards. I was out of my mind and didn’t really realise what they were doing until they placed me onto the board. I was safely pushed back onto the shore when I saw my mum. In relief tears started to run down my face and she ran up to me and gave me a hug, I was wet but that didn’t really matter to her and soon after my friend was next to me. The life guards said we were lucky to be found and that they were doing the last check before going back home. All I could hear was mum thanking them and holding me tight against her.
The moment, when my mother gave me hug will always be remembered.

That was the moment that I could never forget. The moment when I realised how precious it is to live and from that day on, I thank every moment of my life. I don’t know why my mother’s hug was more greatly remembered then the actual event. Maybe I don’t want to remember the event. It is, however, all a part of my life and it is a moment that created me to become what I am now. It is a memory to treasure and story to tell and it something that should be special to everyone..

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